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Easy Drawing Fruits and Veggies for Kids - Basic

     Easy Drawing Fruits and Veggies for Kids   Easy Draw Fruits and Vegetables: Use of Triangle, Circles, and Curved Lines In this article, you will learn some very basic level fruits and vegetables drawing ideas for your little ones. The drawing ideas included here are: Carrot Tomato Corn Brinjals Grapes Orange Pineapple Strawberry Apple Watermelon    Let's Get Started    Pre-requisites Knowledge of basic shapes, such as circles ⭕, lines(|, /,__), triangles🔻, etc.  Mode of Work  Paperwork. You can use pencils, sketch pens, and crayons, etc. Also, very easy to draw using MS Paint 3D using laptops/desktops/tablets, etc. (online mode). Material Required/Tools Pencils and colors of your choice (sketches, watercolor, crayons) you can also try it on Laptop/Desktop. Approach Follow the step provided with the depicted images.  Fill in the colors of your choice to give them a tinge.    1. Carrot   Step-wise...

My Daughter's Kindergarten Completion Journey

A Corona Time Journey from Kindergarten to First Grade! 

Kindergarten girl attending online classes
It's the first time in history when kids like you attended an online school

Dear Vaani, 

This letter is about a special day of your childhood. Not only you, but I am also very excited to see you getting your kindergarten completion certificate from your school(JGKA). This moment was a bit special because all this year you learned through online classes. Though you got very few chances to personally meet your teachers, you loved them a lot! 

There were many days of hard work to reach this milestone, especially when there is no real classroom, school friends, and teachers present physically. 

I remember that your playful nature had sometimes given me hard time while conducting your online classes. It took months for me to make your routine to do all your assignment by yourself. I can understand that there was no real school fun. But, like all other kids of your age, you also did your job done.

Your whole kindergarten journey was a pandemic time story. Your dad was working from home, I had your little sister (newborn) to take care of, and you were bound to attend online classes.

Those were the days packed with responsibilities, sometimes happy, and sometimes blue! Sometimes I had no clue! But, then also we all had to do! The things which were necessary for family and you! 

There were few moments and things I would definitely like to share in brief.

Tough Time 

I remember the time when you were my only child. I was fully occupied with your stuff only. Especially, I loved teaching you as the first teacher of your life. But now, when I have your sister too, it was really hard for me to manage your studies, online classes, your and your sister's daily routine work, and all other home chores. This was a tough time for every one of us because of corona time. I really struggled to get some quality "Me Time" for months and years. You made my days tough, and your little sister (1-year-old) made my nights sleepless. At this little age you might not empathize with me, but surely when you'll grow up you gonna better understand things I have been through this time. 

Impact on your Study

With all that, I really missed giving you extra efforts in your study, and I can say that I felt helpless too. I wanted but the situation didn't allow me to do so. But you managed to grow and go ahead with your own efforts and with your previous knowledge. In Kindergarten M- Class result you were at level G! I know you much better than you could have gone much farther than this if You would have got some helping hand from me! But I am proud to see that you can manage yourself without anybody giving you a push!

M Class Levels
M-Class Levels | Benchmark Goals

Smiles on Your Faces Made My Days

vaani pretends to teach her little sisterIn this time of busyness, whenever I used to see you both smiling, playing, and having fun with each other, I forgot all my pains. You not only played with your little sister but you also taught her many things.

 I remember your "Fetch Game"😁🤣. You pretended your little sister was a "pup"🐶 when she was a crawler and played a ball fetching game with her. She was very cute to listen and obey you and taking the ball back to you every time you threw and said "Fetch Nyra Fetch".  You joined me in Yogasan time and enjoyed running with me in the early mornings. You both were my stressbusters too.  

Picture: Vaani pretends to teach her little sister!

Having Fun with Teachers!

All three teachers Ms. Fawn Harris, Ms. Mason, and Ms. Chelsie Lucid were wonderful ladies. They were not only your teachers but because of your talkative nature, they became your friends. 

I know you gossiped with them in your 3 O'Clock personal meet timing. You send them your personal pics too apart from daily assignments. Surprising hmmm? 😉. Mommy knows it all. 🤗Few funny examples are here: 

  • The pic of the double door window you got after two milk teeth fell off. 
  • Pic of the elbow after getting a hard scratch while bike riding. 
  • Showing them your sister's first birthday decorations and telling them your never-ending stories. 
two front teeth fell off
Highlighted double door window😂 

Last Day of School🚸🎒👩‍🏫🏫

In all this, I never realized when the last day of kindergarten approached. You won't believe it but, on your award ceremony day, I was a bit emotional while saying goodbye to your teachers. 

May 27th, 2021 was your last school day and award ceremony day and I am writing this post on 28 May. But truly I am feeling like it was my journey somewhere and I felt that emotional feeling of leaving teachers with whom you had spent hundreds of hours this year. 

It was an awesome day to see you crossing your Kindergarten to the 1st-grade bridge. Showing your certificate and saying that punchline "EVERRRRR MIGHTYYYYY"

Teachers Special..!

To let your teachers feel the love and respect they deserve, I planned to gift them something made with love by you and me. We both put effort and painted three canvases. You supported and added your part of love and effort. You also insisted to make 3 handmade cards for your teachers. It was fun doing all this with you! 

Paintings for your teachers made by you and me! 

And all these efforts looked fruitful when I saw that happiness, and shine in your teacher's eyes. They hugged you and showered their blessings, and love for you! 

We all clicked few pictures with your teachers (obviously with masks on our faces😄). So the pics are a lifetime memory of your corona time Schooling. 

Finally arrived a "GoodBye Time" for everyone. My eyes were also filled with tears with a heavy heart while saying goodbye to them, and knowing that there is no next online class from today onwards. I won't see those 3 beautiful faces again on your Chromebook. Listening to their voices was kinda my routine as well. And, now I guess, I am missing them too.

You were back home and asked: "Will I ever be able to meet my teachers again?". That time your words hurt me inside! But that's life. I said:  "You have to be thankful for people coming to your way of life for their contribution but yeah, you have to keep moving on!"

Now you are on the ladder starting from 1st! Slowly you gonna cross many more milestones on this ladder, and write your own success stories! 

I am always there for you to show the light🕯️, till the range of my sight. You, sometimes be wrong or sometimes right. But, promise me you'll hold your values tight. 

Love and Blessings from Mom😘


  1. Awesome journey!

  2. congrats her for completion of this wonderful journey and there are many more to come..god bless both of them.😊😍👍

  3. Vaani and Nyra both princess are like my daughters. They have to creative cause they got it from Gen


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