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Easy Drawing Fruits and Veggies for Kids - Basic

     Easy Drawing Fruits and Veggies for Kids   Easy Draw Fruits and Vegetables: Use of Triangle, Circles, and Curved Lines In this article, you will learn some very basic level fruits and vegetables drawing ideas for your little ones. The drawing ideas included here are: Carrot Tomato Corn Brinjals Grapes Orange Pineapple Strawberry Apple Watermelon    Let's Get Started    Pre-requisites Knowledge of basic shapes, such as circles ⭕, lines(|, /,__), triangles🔻, etc.  Mode of Work  Paperwork. You can use pencils, sketch pens, and crayons, etc. Also, very easy to draw using MS Paint 3D using laptops/desktops/tablets, etc. (online mode). Material Required/Tools Pencils and colors of your choice (sketches, watercolor, crayons) you can also try it on Laptop/Desktop. Approach Follow the step provided with the depicted images.  Fill in the colors of your choice to give them a tinge.    1. Carrot   Step-wise...

Sketch Book


   My Sketch Book   

Sketching is the best way to express your artistic desire when there isn't much time to go for canvas painting. Here are a few of my leisure time artwork. It doesn't take much time and yes gives me satisfaction for sure. 
A few of them had been sketched and delivered for a book (इंद्रधनुष और बिखरे रंग) by a Hindi book writer Shalini Mishra who is also continuing her PHD in Hindi literature. 

drizzlingcolorsart sketchbook
"इंद्रधनुष और बिखरे रंग""Indradhanush aur Bikhare Rang- by Shalini Mishra, Book Illustration by Mohini M Bajpai"

drizzlingcolorsart sketchbook
"स्त्री और पुरुष " from "Indradhanush aur Bikhare Rang- by Shalini Mishra, Book Illustration by Mohini M Bajpai"

drizzlingcolorsart sketchbook
"प्रकृति "- from "Indradhanush aur Bikhare Rang- by Shalini Mishra, Book Illustration by Mohini M Bajpai"

"राधा कृष्ण " from "Indradhanush aur Bikhare Rang- by Shalini Mishra, Book Illustration by Mohini M Bajpai"

"Indradhanush aur Bikhare Rang- by Shalini Mishra, Book Illustration by Mohini M Bajpai"

"मेरा देश महान" from "Indradhanush aur Bikhare Rang- by Shalini Mishra, Book Illustration by Mohini M Bajpai"


"Aarambh-आरम्भ" - The Origine

"Timiraant- तिमिरांत" -End of Darkness

"A sweet little girl"


"Sketching Myself "

A lot more to come on this page. Thanks for watching. You can contact her for book illustration.

Related: "Paintings by Mohini"

All Rights Reserved©drizzlingcolorsart.com &Mohini M Bajpai, References and links might be shared respective of all the credit given to the artist and drizzlingcolorsart.com.


  1. I read that book, the poems as well the art works in that are really amazing !

  2. I m always thankful to u di for sketching these for my book.

    1. It's my pleasure. I would love to do such kind of work again whenever you need in future.👍

  3. अद्वितीय, अद्भुत,उत्कृष्ट कला का सुन्दर प्रस्फुटन👌👌👌आदरणीया, सादर

    1. शुक्रिया। आपके इस सुंदर कॉमेंट के लिए आपका अनेकानेक आभार आदरणीय डॉ. अशोक कुमार नेगी जी!🙏☺️।

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